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Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Grand Exit or Powerful New Start?

Our guest preacher was Bill Owens, father of Brandon Owens, our young adult minister. The text was 2 Kings 2:1-12, Elijah going to heaven in the fiery chariot and Elisha starting over without his mentor, tearing his old clothes off, taking on Elijah's robe and a double portion of his spirit to a new beginning.

Dr. Owen tried to apply it to our church putting off old ways and taking on new ministries in a new and different neighborhood. Change is always a risk, but God has given us His Spirit to move forward. A strong message I hope our people understood as I did.

But of course I was also thinking about my possible exit and daring move forward which is another risk-filled change, but like the church and Elisha I risk staying in my mundane rut without change. My change will also mean giving up most of my "things" (like Elisha ripping his robes off) and moving forward with God's Spirit. Well, I'm neither Elisha or a church that is moving into a new ministry nor an Elijah carting off to heaven in a chariot, but I am going to keep God central in this decision and do believe God will surprise me, whatever the decision! But I think I am ready for a change! (Or wanting it!)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Is God Laughing at Me?

Yesterday I wrote in my Costa Rica Decision Blog about a quote I liked from one of the many books I'm reading on the country: "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans."  said Iyanla Vanzant. The expat, Bob Normand, who quoted that had seen most of his plans fail or turn out differently than he planned. That is certainly possible for me too, though I am doing more research than that guy did before actually moving.

I'm doing my "due diligence" (as another expat proclaims) or serious research on Costa Rica as a retirement place before the August 23 trip to be truly prepared for making a decision sometime after the trip. I believe this is the wise way to go about it, even if a crazy idea! Then the above quote sort of slaps me in the face and I wonder, "What am I doing? Is God already laughing at my plans?" Well, first, I have no definite plans yet. Though I'm sure He is at least smiling, and also believe He loves to see me enthusiastic about anything whether it works out or not. I think that was the case when I worked so hard and enthusiastically to get First Baptist involved in ongoing volunteer mission work in The Gambia and the church just didn't respond. I moved on with life and got over the disappointment.

As written in both blogs, I've already asked God for His direction in this path (Prov. 3:5-6). And I consider "His will" most important for me and my life, though it's not exactly like considering that call to missions in The Gambia. As a follower of Christ I try to "acknowledge him in all my ways," which really does not change if I live somewhere else. In essence I can be in "God's will" anywhere I live and in anything I choose to do with my life. I live by faith here in Tennessee and would if  in Costa Rica.

This decision is about how I spend the last chapter of my life. It could end up being something I haven't even imagined yet. Where I'm seeing adventure, God may be seeing ministry. Where I see myself photographing the beautiful tropics and its wildlife, God may be seeing me as a special helper in a little church or some other ministry I don't know about yet. God loves to surprise! (See Ephesians 3:20-21, The Message)

So, I'm admitting that God may not give me clear directions to "Go to Costa Rica" or "Stay in Tennessee." I think I'm going to have to make this decision day by day while living in "His Spirit" as this blog proclaims. That reminds me of Jesus' words in Matthew 6:34,
So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.
Is seeking adventure (a big part of my Costa Rica thing) selfish and foolish? I don't think so, but I'm also not sure. No decision until after the trip and even then it will still be a day by day following of Jesus. Your prayers for me are appreciated! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Learning from a Prophet

I just perused my notes from last Sunday's sermon title "A Lesson from Someone Else's Mistakes" based on 1 Kings 20:1-43. Here are the three points I wrote down to remember:
1. God knows our problems
2. Be careful what you boast of (don't count your chickens before they hatch)
3. God's in control of both your hills and your valleys
4. Success or failure are not indications of right or wrong
5. God brings glory to Himself, not me or us
6. God's in charge
7. There is always a consequence to disobedience; the more you disobey the worse things get

This was NOT Pastor Frank's outline, but seven things I wrote down for my own life and especially as I am now considering a really big decision to move to Costa Rica. It has been tempting to boast about the advantages of living there even before I go in the "Live In Costa Rica Tour," and certainly before I have received peace that this is what God wants me to do. Pray that I find God's will and not make a mistake. I'm regularly discussing it in my Costa Rica Decision Process Blog.  "God, help me to learn from Ahab's mistakes!"

Joe Dies

For some reason I posted this first on my Retirement Adventures Blog with a poem titled Remembering Joe I wrote for his widow, Nancy. Hope you read it. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tough Conversations About Death

Tonight I sat in the hospital watching my friend Joe, barely alive, on oxygen, a frail, thinning body just laying there. At the same time I talked with his wife Nancy, grieving, hurting, and wanting to talk about all the decisions that must be made,  - just tomorrow! The hospital is giving her one more day to find a nursing home or other palliative care place to move him or does she dare try to take him home with home care nurses? What appear to be broken promises of what care can be provided and dealing with family members that won't be here to take care of the details but of course with opinions. It is hard work! Glad I had the easier job of being a listening friend. That's one thing friends can do. That is one way to show HIS SPIRIT. And of course I will pray for her! God help Nancy!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Called to Be Uncool

I just read this editorial "Called to be Uncool" in the June issue of Christianity Today paper edition and loved it! How like my image of a Christian (A follower of Christ) it is to follow the Biblical non-conformists like Jesus, Paul, John the Baptist, Ezekiel, Elijah, Hosea and more. And that means not always bending over backwards to appease the behavior religious friends think I should have. I have an obligation to be honest and Biblical in my words and behavior without being unkind or ugly to those I disagree with.

My Prayer
God, help me to be like you and not the crowd that sometimes surrounds me or even the persons I admire. And help me to accept the shame that may come with it as did your prophets recorded in Scripture. May other see only Jesus in me.