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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Two Recent Views of Heaven

Yesterday I saw the movie Heaven is for Real even though I had earlier said I would not see it because I don't believe people with near-death experiences actually see Heaven. But because of the Christianity Today review and another more in depth discussion for subscribers of the online magazine, I began to realize that anyone's "experience" with God (even visions) is worth listening to and helps me better understand both God and people. Who am I to judge? See a quote from the article in my comment to this post.

This movie is very well done and enjoyable to watch with lots of truths shared, but mostly a movie about love and relationships which after all is mostly what God is about. Since I have not read the book, I cannot compare the two, but it is supposedly based on a true story about 4 year old Colton who nearly dies and tells about heaven afterwards. Not good theology, but an enjoyable movie to watch with some fresh takes on Heaven, even though I still doubt that it actually happened as presented.

It is not exactly a contrast to the Broadway Play The Great Divorce I saw a couple of weeks ago, but it is certainly a different view of Heaven! I liked them both, but having already read the book The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis, I still see it as more like my vision of Heaven than little Colton's. But they are both worthy of seeing and discussing from two totally different perspectives.

Either way, I still look forward to being there!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Living Healthy Like Daniel

Pastor Frank started a 3-sermon series on living healthy today with a message about Daniel whom The Daniel Plan is named after. I completed that study in March and it is a great way to focus on a healthy lifestyle. I lost 15 pounds, eating better and I'm more active with daily exercise routines. New classes are starting next Sunday.

You can see the video of the sermon online at http://firstbaptistnashville.org/media/streaming-services-and-events and while there check out our wonderful Easter Service with the best music of just about any church anywhere!

But mostly I'm glad this is "The Year of Health" at our church and believe that we as followers of Christ should be leading the way on healthy living in the most unhealthy and obese country in the world. Healthy living is definitely one of my focuses this year!

Monday, April 7, 2014


This new epic movie about Noah and the flood is great in my opinion! Yes, it is not the typical Bible movie and that makes it an even more powerful witness to God. It is true to the Bible. He just fills in between the lines in ways that are not traditional and that makes it a fresh story. And no, the stone angels don't bother me. What makes us think all angels have to wear white and have cute little wings? It is probably the most realistic presentation of the story of Noah's Ark ever made, especially the Ark itself and how the people of the world behaved at that time. I do recommend seeing it!